Daily attendance is necessary for academic progress.
- Creighton Middle School expects all students to arrive at school on time every day.
- Students who are not in the classroom when the bell rings will be considered tardy. They must present a pass immediately on arrival for a tardy to be excused.
- Absences due to illness, injury, disability or family emergencies will be excused under normal circumstances.
- Other absences must be excused through prior arrangements with the attendance office and permission from the principal and parents or guardians.
Colorado state law requires students to attend school. If students have too many absences or are chronically tardy, they and their families may be required to appear in court.
Attendance Line
Attendance line voicemail can be left 24 hours a day: 303-982-6302
Students who attend school regularly feel more connected to their community and develop important social skills and friendships. They are also significantly more likely to graduate from high school, setting them up for a strong future.
Creighton’s accountability measures:
- Parents or guardians will be referred to teachers with attendance questions.
- Automated parent phone calls are made for all tardies and absences.
- Classroom and schoolwide consequences will take place for students who do not regularly follow attendance expectations.
Parents and guardians can help Creighton do an effective job of monitoring student’s absences. Calls to the attendance line help the school keep track of students and keep them safe.
When calling to excuse an absence, provide the following information:
- Name of student
- Student’s grade
- Name of person calling and relationship to student
- Date of absence
Pre-arranged Absences
At least two days before their absence, students are required to get a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the office. It must be signed by the student’s teachers, an administrator and the attendance secretary. Additionally, the student’s parent or guardian must call the attendance line to have the absence excused. An administrator must approve pre-arranged absences of more than one week.
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence is defined as any absence from a class or school without the approval of an administrator, the attendance secretary and parents or guardians. Disciplinary consequences will be assigned to students whose absence from class or school is unexcused.
Leaving during the School Day
When a Creighton student must leave during the school day:
- Parents or guardians should call the attendance office before 8:54 a.m. to have students leave school for a medical, dental or other type of appointment.
- All students must report to the main office to be signed out before leaving school.
- Parents or guardians must show a photo ID to pick up a student.
- Anyone picking up a student must be listed on the student’s emergency information form.
- When the student returns to school, they must sign in with the attendance secretary.
Students are not allowed to leave school for any reason without signing out through the main office. If the student does not sign out, their absence will not be excused. This applies even if a parent or guardian excuses their absence.
All students must be in their classroom and ready for class when the bell rings. This includes the first period, which starts at 8:54 a.m. Students who are not in their classroom when the bell rings will be considered tardy. They must present a pass given to them from the front office immediately on arrival for a tardy to be excused. Being tardy to class may result in school consequences.
Attendance in Jeffco
The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.
It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.