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School Accountability Committee

Creighton’s School Accountability Committee (SAC) role:

  • State law requires every school to have a SAC.
  • SAC membership empowers the school community by giving members a voice in critical areas of school administration, including budget decisions and school performance improvement plans.
  • The SAC serves in an advisory role to the school principal.
  • The school’s principal remains responsible for:
    •  Ensuring compliance with all federal, state and district requirements
    • Meeting the academic performance expectations defined by Jeffco Public Schools

Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. and are hybrid (LMC/Zoom). Please call the main office if you would like the virtual links for online access.

Agendas, meeting minutes and videos

Meeting minutes and videos will be posted here after the meetings.
