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Gifted & Talented

Creighton Middle School’s Gifted and Talented (GT) center program is designed to allow students to be part of a team (purple team) where all the core classes, including enrichment, are created to meet the needs of gifted students. Students stay with the same core teachers for two years. This allows the teachers to get to know students on academic and personal levels. Students build a strong sense of community with intellectual and age-alike peers to support their social and emotional needs in addition to accelerating, deepening and expanding the academic core. Looping also helps build strong teacher-student-parent relationships.


Shadow and Tour Information

At Creighton, we would like prospective GT Center students and families to get to know our school! Tours are designed for parents and prospective students to learn about Creighton by visiting the building and classrooms. Shadowing is for students who would like to experience first-hand what a Creighton school day is like. 

Important Note: Having an ALP does NOT automatically enroll your student into the GT Center Program. In order for a student to be in Creighton’s GT Center Program, they must either a) currently be in a GT Center Program in Jeffco, or b) have applied for the GT Center by October 25, 2024 by 4:00pm. If you have missed this deadline, please contact Erin Shea ( for assistance.
Tour Information: Tours will be scheduled directly with Erin Shea, the GT Resource Teacher. Most tours will take place on Tuesdays throughout the school year, and are by appointment only. The tours last approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on the size of the group and the amount of questions. Please reach out to Erin Shea ( to schedule a tour at your convenience. 
Shadowing Information: Shadowing is a half-day opportunity for your child to experience all that Creighton has to offer! Your child will be accompanied during their stay by a student ambassador. You will meet with Creighton staff and your child’s ambassador in the front office at 1:00pm. After this initial meeting, shadows will accompany their ambassador to the rest of their classes throughout the day. Shadowing students should bring a notebook, pencil, and a book to read (in case there’s a test that day). Please plan to pick up your child in the main office at 3:55pm.
Visit our SignUp Genius to sign your child up for a GT Center Program Shadow Day. Please list your child’s name followed by their current school and current grade on this form. This will help facilitate the choice of a shadow ambassador.

If your child is currently enrolled in a nearby GT Center Program (Devinny, Kyffin, or Kendrick Lakes), shadow day information will be provided by your school. 

When Are Students Identified

Second grade: CogAT testing

Every fall, all second-grade students take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to assess their verbal, quantitative and non-verbal abilities. Students with a high percentile rank and stanine score may be referred to the GT center program.

GT center placement test

The district offers a testing window for students to take a GT center placement test. Visit the Jeffco Gifted & Talented page for more information.

Referring students gifted in other areas

For students who have Visual Arts Aptitude, Psychomotor Aptitude, or Leadership Identification, parents may make a referral and submit their student’s body of evidence for evaluation. Visit Jeffco’s GT webpage for requirements and steps. 

Math class placements

Math class placements are based on previous math classes, measures of academic progress (MAP) data, and PARCC data (Colorado’s state assessment tests). In some cases, teachers may contact the student’s previous math teacher for more information about the student’s abilities and aptitudes. 

Why Students Need a GT Program

Gifted and talented students require continued ability-appropriate challenges in the classroom to thrive. Without new challenges and intellectual stimulation, these students will become bored and disinterested in classes that are too easy for them. 

Gifted students also require a curriculum that will meet their social emotional needs. Without this support, students are likely to struggle both socially and academically down the line. By meeting the academic, social and emotional needs of gifted students, the GT program gives them the tools they need for future success. 

How the GT program sets students up for success

  • The rigorous curriculum is designed to challenge students and guide them toward deeper levels of understanding.
  • GT classrooms offer a variety of methods for learning, including collaborative group work, hands-on projects and constructive class discussions. 
  • Social emotional support is woven into the curriculum.
  • The curriculum encourages students to make long-term plans and goals.
  • Advanced learning plans (ALPs) empower students to take ownership over their learning and set their own academic goals. 
  • Students learn to be successful digital citizens by utilizing the latest educational technologies. 
  • Student goals are kept on track with frequent student-teacher meetings to revisit their goals and reassess their progress.
  • The program seeks to give students the skills they need to be valuable members of the community through volunteer projects in the school and larger community.
  • The classroom structure is designed to keep students engaged by offering opportunities for movement, hands-on learning and exploration of their interests.
  • The GT center program will meet the needs of your student. If they excel in one area and need more support in others, their schedule can be customized to place them in classes that meet their needs.

Gifted & Talented in Jeffco

The Jeffco Public Schools Gifted and Talented (GT) Department’s vision is to Actualize Learners’ Potential for gifted and high-ability learners through a focus on access, equity, inclusion and diversity. All students deserve an education that provides meaningful growth academically, socially and emotionally.

Each year, every second grader in Jeffco takes The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) which measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative and nonverbal questions. The results of this test inform teachers which students may be identified as gifted and talented. 

What Is A Gifted Student?

GT students are learners between the ages of four and 21 whose abilities, talents or potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special educational programming. Children under five who are gifted may also receive early childhood special educational services. 

Gifted students include students from all backgrounds who have exceptional abilities or potential. Gifted students are capable of exceptional performance,  production or learning behavior and have one or more of these areas of giftedness:

Areas of giftedness

  • Intellectual abilities
  • Specific academic skills
  • Creative or productive thinking
  • Leadership abilities
  • Visual arts, performing arts or musical abilities
  • Physical skills

The 2024 Fall GT Center application is now closed.  Please contact your GT Resource Teacher with questions regarding GT Center. 

Advanced Learning Plan

Creighton develops an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) to guide programming for every identified gifted student. 

Learn More