Special Programs
Creighton Middle School offers a large selection of elective classes students can choose from whether they like building with their hands, getting in touch with their domestic side or working one-on-one with others.
Intro to Skilled Trades and Skills Trade
Intro to Skilled Trades and Skills Trade expose students to the tools and machines that they may encounter in manufacturing-related occupations. These courses enable students to develop the skills they need to use these tools in various applications. Course topics typically include drawing and planning, electricity, graphic arts, woodwork and power technology. General safety and career exploration are included in the curriculum.
Family and Consumer Science (FACS) I and II
Family and Consumer Science I is a study of knowledge and skills needed for the efficient management of the home. Course topics typically include foods and nutrition, clothing, child development and care, housing design, decoration, home maintenance, consumer decisions, personal financial management and interpersonal relationships.
Students who complete FACS I are eligible for FACS II. This class provides an understanding of food’s role in society, how to plan and prepare meals, experience in the proper use of equipment and utensils and the background on nutritional needs for healthy living. This course exposes students to opportunities related to the hospitality and tourism career cluster.
Human Interest Classes
Students have the opportunity to be peer mentors in Creighton’s significant support needs (SSN) classrooms and in academic and elective classes. Anyone who is flexible, positive, optimistic and has a strong interest in helping others should consider this course. Good listening and communication skills and consistent attendance are a must.
Another option for mature Creighton students is having the option to walk to Fletcher Miller School and work with students who have profound disabilities. Enrollees must be able to work as part of a team, be dependable and make a commitment to helping others. Good listening, communication skills and attendance are a must. Teacher recommendation is required. Class size is limited.
Additionally, responsible, self-directed students with good attendance will work with staff members in the classroom or main office as teaching assistants and help staff with various daily tasks.
Science Exploration
Students will engage in hands-on, inquiry-based experiments and design labs to investigate the scientific method. This course includes a study of current scientific research happening in Colorado and around the world. Students will be introduced to different careers in the sciences and the requirements needed to obtain those careers.
Intro to Audio and Visual Production
Intro to Audio and Visual Production provides the knowledge and skills necessary for television, video, film, and radio production. Students will learn scriptwriting, camera operation, use of graphics and other visuals, lighting, audio techniques, editing, production principles and career opportunities. They are usually required to produce a program or segment. Additional topics may include broadcast industry regulations, radio or television operation, power of the medium, photography and transmission technology. Career exploration and leadership development will be emphasized throughout the course.
Current Events
Current Events is designed to provide students with the opportunity to discuss, understand and explore local, national, international, political, economic and social issues in a respectful, meaningful and active way. Throughout the term, students will stay up-to-date on current issues and trends.
Publication Production: Yearbook
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce the school yearbook. They will learn interviewing skills, photography, caption writing, graphic design and how to stick to deadlines.
Creative Writing
Students enrolled in this course have the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short stories, drama, essays and prose. Emphasis is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations to obtain a fuller appreciation of the craft.
Film and Literature
This course provides students an opportunity to examine films with books as their source. Students will read a variety of texts, including short stories and novels, and then analyze the film versions. Discussions will center around cinematography, theme, the use of music, character development and the importance of setting and mood.
Special Programs in Jeffco
Students learn by doing, and special programs offer students the ability to follow their passions, participate in authentic work, and be curious about the world around them. By exploring subjects outside of core coursework, students can gain a new perspective on future academic and career possibilities, learn about the world and more about themselves.
Outdoor Lab
This unique program allows Creighton sixth-graders to experience authentic, hands-on learning in an outdoor setting.